Edible flowers are trending, and especially roses, as the rose also sends a signal of love and romance.

Beautiful, decorative and a soft taste

Rosalicious roses represent love, life and pure delightment. Beautiful, decorative and a soft taste, these edible roses make a real connection. Between what we feel and we actually want to say. Between you and me. Sweet, intimate and without words they give you a little kiss on your tongue.

With Rosalicious you celebrate life with everyone that matters. Beautiful, colourful, sparkling and tasteful. And above all, original. Rosalicious is grown in Holland with care and attention by Rodewijk Rozen. They have deployed all their knowledge, experience and craftmanship in growing unsprayed edible roses with a great appearance, an excellent shelf life and a soft taste. Thanks to the use of natural disease controllers, the petals of Rosalicious are guaranteed natural and therefor edible and healthy. Rosalicious is used as finishing touch in dishes, as cake decoration and as a natural confetti in for example champagne, water or wine.

Rosalicious is available year-round in five colours (red, yellow, white, pink and flaming orange) and is delivered in a convenient packaging. The shelf life of the roses is longest when they are stored cooled in a closed packaging. The roses are available from February 2019. 


  • The edible roses are developed by Danish rose breeder Roses Forever.
  • They are grown in Denmark by Legro.dk and in Holland by Rosalicious.eu
  • Can be send all over the world. 

For more info, please contact Rose Breeder Rosa Eskelund



On the big days of life, the cake must be decorated with real roses

Menu with roses. Chefs and restaurants use the gourmet roses in both food and in beer, which is also brewed on the roses.

The edible roses are delivered in a convenient packaging.

Delicious cake decorated with edible roses.

Add some color to your food! Here a colorful salad.