Roses Forever ApS

Roses Forever is a Danish rose breeding company founded in 1996, owned by Rosa and Harley Eskelund.


The focus of the breeding program, besides production suitability, is on the novelty value, color, scent, size of the flower, appearance and usability for different pot sizes. Equally important parameters in the selection process are longevity and resistance.


Breeding of new varieties cannot stand alone. Quality, with special focus on durability all the way to the consumer, is important to Roses Forever. Higher quality means more joy and satisfaction, increasing demand, and thus higher prices. The optimal quality is ensured through ongoing development of growing techniques along with the breeding. Development is founded in more than 29 years of experience growing mini roses.

High quality ensures higher value

At Roses Forever we believe that consumers are very conscious about quality, and therefore have an interest in origin and methods of production.
This presupposes that the quality is always the best, regardless of where in the world a Roses Forever rose is produced and sold. To ensure this high level of quality, we will turn every licensed producer into an active partner.
Fast and easy access to knowledge and experience regarding production of Roses Forever varieties, ensuring that licensed producers will get their share of the added value which can be achieved by producing Roses Forever products in high quality.

Roses Forever® advice

We offer every producer the advice needed for starting up and maintaining a production. In addition to the initial advice, we have an experienced Roses Forever consultant, who is available after agreement. After each consultancy visit, the producer receives a written report from the consultant.
In addition to the above we also offer training programs at Rosa ApS,, in Denmark. With an annual production around 5 million Forever roses, Rosa ApS is one of the leading mini rose nurseries in the world. All Roses Forever varieties are tested thoroughly at Rosa ApS before they are released for full-scale production and made available for producers around the world.

The nursery Rosa ApS

Situated in Aarhus, Denmark
Total area: 30,000 sqm.
Founded in 1988 by Rosa and Harley Eskelund
Annual production: 5 million Roses Forever pot roses in pot sizes 6 – 10.5 – 12 – 15 cm / 2.5’’- 4’’- 5’’- 6’’
25 employees
Sales to all of Europe